Sunday, 10 July 2011

The Flower I am 10 July 2011

Morality, what is morality? Is it following what our parents conditioned us to believe, or what society tells us is correct or incorrect? Or is it being in line with myself, whole and complete? Following the ease of what feels congruent with my heart, body and mind. I have found my curiosity again and by following my curiosity to the borderline of my boundaries I find myself vulnerable. Standing in this beautiful, raw space of vulnerability and staying present I experience how courageous I am. I use this experience to courageously exploring what peaks my curiosity, playing on the balance beam of my boundaries and in this game I am finding the shattered pieces of my innocence. I can remember feeling innocent as a child, trusting and safe in my exploration of the world, till fear gripped my heart and my play contracted into a decent of conformity. I remember some of the experiences that chipped away at the peaceful bubble of innocence culminating in a final shattering and loss in my late childhood.
I sit in my bed, comfortable and warm as I type these words into my ageing computer. Functional and working to the best of her ability there are things my computer just can't do any more, she is limited by the wounds of her experience. I can relate to my laptop computer, which I am resistant to replacing for (now) very obvious reasons. Yet how remarkable to be able to take all the knowledge from my current computer and place it into a new body, fresh and capable of performing all the requirements of today. It seems to me in this moment like an expression of the vicissitude of my body and consciousness, my ability to take all I know through this life experience and maybe even the experiences of parallel lives and renew my body to be fresh and capable of what is required of me now.
As once I lost my virginity, now I have gained it back. I hold myself in my safe arms as I explore my world with curious innocence. I reclaiming my power where ever there is fear and I ease into peace and abundance. Grace fills my life and every cell of my being. I can feel myself truly opening to life and life responding in ecstatic celebration. I am grateful for and to all those who have been in my life and all those who have come into my life, who encourage the darling bud of me to grow fully into the flower I am.

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